Maybe I didn't understand it correctly but, it didn't seem to modify behavior.
5.0 out of 5 stars Airflo EX PC Controller. Award winning patented AirFlo ventilation design eliminates discomfort.

I followed some instructions which said to add regkeys for Axes\2 Attributes=00 00 00 01 00 35 00 and Axes\5 Attributes= 00 00 00 01 00 32 00 Nyko: Item weight: 0.95 Pounds: Item dimensions L x W x H: 23 x 8 x 22 centimetres: About this item.E-mailed Nyko support basically just said product is discontinued.Attempted looking for driver/support on Nyko website.Right stick seems to be using axis 2 and 5 instead of 2 and 3.Like its predecessor, the Air Flo PC, it is a perfect blend of. Usually when traveling on a X-Axis move or stick button press down. STYLES MAY VARY Nyko has just extended its range of PC controllers with the Air Flo EX. There actually seems to be a little play where it fires all sorts of axis values.Moving Analog stick -1 on X-Axis also returns +1 on the Y-Axis.Pressing Analog Stick Button (btn 13) also returns +1 on the Y-Axis.
If you have an Xbox360 use that gamepad on your PC, but for anyone else, this is a no-brainer. Dont forget, installing an inappropriate driver will not reduce the undesirable effects on your home pc, and can perhaps make issues far worse. I cannot recommend this gamepad highly enough. As an added bonus, the vents have a sort of weave pattern to them that gives you phenomenal grip above and beyond having dry hands. It's side grips are more like a cage, so there's no way you can plug up all of the air vents (I've tried), and the vents are made of a more rigid plastic than the rest of the pad, so they maintain their strength despite all of the openings for air to flow through. Even other pads that offer vented hand-holds either didn't have enough air movement, or felt like they were as flimsy as a plastic Easter-egg in my hands. I've had PC gamepads that boast motion control for flight sims. I had a SNES pad that used a flat touch-sensitive d-pad. I've used gamepads before that had a gimmick. Utilizziamo cookie e altre tecnologie simili necessari per consentirti di effettuare acquisti, per migliorare le tue esperienze di acquisto e per fornire i nostri servizi, come descritto in dettaglio nella nostra Informativa sui cookie.Utilizziamo questi cookie anche per capire come i clienti utilizzano i nostri servizi per poterli migliorare (ad esempio, analizzando le interazioni con il sito).
The thumb-sticks are tight and accurate, and once you get the feel for them, you'll have a hard time going back to even a PS3 controller. The buttons are placed right where your finger naturally go when you want to press them, and they are snappy and don't wiggle in their holes or hesitate when you are jamming the fire button down over and over. I'm a big guy, and I have hands the size of a bunch of bananas, and yet I could comfortably hold this controller for hours while I played Xmen: Children of the Atom or Psychonauts and not get a cramp.

Up until that point it worked PERFECTLY, even after being dropped, stepped on multiple times, getting spilled on and crushed while moving. Boasting Nykos patented Air Flo technology, the Air Flo EX has been redesigned with exclusive rubberized grips for improved comfort and even better airflow. I used mine for about 600 hours across 2 years and the ONLY reason I stopped using it is because I stepped on it (I'm 6'5" and weight about 260 lbs) and broke one of the thumb-sticks (it still worked, just erratic). When you're gripping it to make that hard-to-hit trick in Tony Hawk, it doesn't creak, and it doesn't flex, despite being mostly open inside (for the air to flow). The Airflow just feels tough when you hold it. I have used every gamepad between the gravis pad all the way up to a Xbox360 gamepad for PC gaming, and I still think the NYKO Airflo is the best for three reasons: I started on a GravisPad back in 1990 (the one with the stick that screwed into the d-pad) that plugged into the MIDI port on my sound card. I cannot believe NYKO stopped making these, get them while you can- you won't regret it. "I have never used a better PC gamepad."